| Field | Description | |-------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `StartUTC` | The time at which request processing started. | | `StartLocal` | The local time at which request processing started. | | `Duration` | The total time taken (in nanoseconds) by processing the response, including the origin server's time but not the log writing time. | | `RouterName` | The name of the Traefik router. | | `ServiceName` | The name of the Traefik backend. | | `ServiceURL` | The URL of the Traefik backend. | | `ServiceAddr` | The IP:port of the Traefik backend (extracted from `ServiceURL`) | | `ClientAddr` | The remote address in its original form (usually IP:port). | | `ClientHost` | The remote IP address from which the client request was received. | | `ClientPort` | The remote TCP port from which the client request was received. | | `ClientUsername` | The username provided in the URL, if present. | | `RequestAddr` | The HTTP Host header (usually IP:port). This is treated as not a header by the Go API. | | `RequestHost` | The HTTP Host server name (not including port). | | `RequestPort` | The TCP port from the HTTP Host. | | `RequestMethod` | The HTTP method. | | `RequestPath` | The HTTP request URI, not including the scheme, host or port. | | `RequestProtocol` | The version of HTTP requested. | | `RequestScheme` | The HTTP scheme requested `http` or `https`. | | `RequestLine` | `RequestMethod` + `RequestPath` + `RequestProtocol` | | `RequestContentSize` | The number of bytes in the request entity (a.k.a. body) sent by the client. | | `OriginDuration` | The time taken (in nanoseconds) by the origin server ('upstream') to return its response. | | `OriginContentSize` | The content length specified by the origin server, or 0 if unspecified. | | `OriginStatus` | The HTTP status code returned by the origin server. If the request was handled by this Traefik instance (e.g. with a redirect), then this value will be absent. | | `OriginStatusLine` | `OriginStatus` + Status code explanation | | `DownstreamStatus` | The HTTP status code returned to the client. | | `DownstreamStatusLine` | `DownstreamStatus` + Status code explanation | | `DownstreamContentSize` | The number of bytes in the response entity returned to the client. This is in addition to the "Content-Length" header, which may be present in the origin response. | | `RequestCount` | The number of requests received since the Traefik instance started. | | `GzipRatio` | The response body compression ratio achieved. | | `Overhead` | The processing time overhead (in nanoseconds) caused by Traefik. | | `RetryAttempts` | The amount of attempts the request was retried. | | `TLSVersion` | The TLS version used by the connection (e.g. `1.2`) (if connection is TLS). | | `TLSCipher` | The TLS cipher used by the connection (e.g. `TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA`) (if connection is TLS) |